İslami-Evrensel Dönüşüm - İED

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun ATA'I-ASHA'A

The New Peaceful Order of the Rightly Guided
Governing Authority of the Enlightened Islamic-Universal Transformation - ATA'I-ASHA'A

Together in the service of Peace - با هم در خدمت صلح

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - ATA'I-ASHA'A

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - ATA'I-ASHA'A - Islamic-Universal Transformation - Hamburg - Berlin - Granada - Andalus - Istanbul - Cairo - Samarkand - Jerusalem Al Quds

Mukhatr Almanya – Hamburg - 2 Jamadu Al Thani 1421 – Aug 31, 2000

23 Years Bagheban-e-Islam

Jumada Al - Awwal 27, 1422 - Safar 13, 1446
August 17, 2001 - 2024
23 Years Bagheban-e-Islam - ATA'I-ASHA'A - IUT Leadership


Tek Millet - Tek Bayrak - Tek-Vatan - Tek Devlet - Tek Yürek ERDOĞAN

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Teşekkür ederim ! - Thank you !

We want to express our profound thanks and gratitude to the International Red Cross and Red Crescent,the International Blue Crescent of Turkey,ULUSLARARASI MAVI HILAL, the United Nations Relief Agencies, to " CARE " and the many, many International Welfare and Relief Organizations and the brave volunteers , who labor , day and night to bring relief to the Afghan People and Refugees, to the Palestinian People and Refugees and to many other nations and places on this globe ! How can we ever thank you enough ! GOD BLESS YOU FOR YOUR KINDNESS !


Enlightened Islam *** IslamCare-IUT-Al Rashidun - Al Hilal Al Asfar - Sari Hilal

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - The Islamic-Universal Transformation - ATA'I-ASHA'A - IUT - , Istanbul Turkey - Hamburg - Germany - Granada - Al Andalus - Spain