İslami-Evrensel Dönüşüm - İED

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun ATA'I-ASHA'A

The New Peaceful Order of the Rightly Guided
Governing Authority of the Enlightened Islamic-Universal Transformation - ATA'I-ASHA'A

Together in the service of Peace - با هم در خدمت صلح

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - ATA'I-ASHA'A

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - ATA'I-ASHA'A - Islamic-Universal Transformation - Hamburg - Berlin - Granada - Andalus - Istanbul - Cairo - Samarkand - Jerusalem Al Quds

Mukhatr Almanya – Hamburg - 2 Jamadu Al Thani 1421 – Aug 31, 2000

23 Years Bagheban-e-Islam

Jumada Al - Awwal 27, 1422 - Safar 13, 1446
August 17, 2001 - 2024
23 Years Bagheban-e-Islam - ATA'I-ASHA'A - IUT Leadership


Tek Millet - Tek Bayrak - Tek-Vatan - Tek Devlet - Tek Yürek ERDOĞAN

Monday, June 17, 2019

Baadhoye Behesht - Enlightened Islamic-Universal Peace Mission established March 1992 - Ramadan 1412 in the Holy City of Jerusalem - Al Quds As Sharif

"Bismillah Rahman'r - Rahim "
Marhaba - Welcome to the Mystical Site of the Bagheban Khalil Abdullah, Al Rashid, Al Assad Al Musaalim

This Site deals with the powerful mystical experiences that let the Bagheban to Islam and explains the various prayer images that emerged very strongly and clearly in the first 4 years, one year prior and 3 years after his formal conversion to Islam - 1998, 1999, especially during 2000, and some in 2001.

UMRAH - RAJAB 1421 H. - OCT 2000

Images with strong impacts for the future, images that would shape his personality and outlook on life, both dunja and aheera.
From the very beginning it became apparent that his role was not that of a propagandist for the Islamic Movement. After these first 4 years a somber reality sunk in, a reality which became more violent and hateful with every passing month after Sep 11, the war in Iraq , the hostage slaughter, the daily bombings and loss of innocent lives, the terror war in Palestine with terrible blows and counter-blows from both sides, Israelis and Palestinians....

Gradually this somber reality effected the peacework and mission, and lasted for 2 years (2001-2003)
Nobody trusted nobody any more - suspicion filled the air, Al Qaida, the additional terrible Istanbul, Madrid ,Riad and London bombings ...a terrible time is, yet emerging, a global terror war on all fronts, physical and spiritual at the same time ....

2004 and 2005 were marked with utter dis-engagement and isolation.

The EIU (Enlightened Islamic Ummah) a new Ummah, a break-away entity from the OIU (Old Islamic Ummah which was occupied and taken hostage by militant Islam) emerged. This stem from a realization that the entire Ummah was befallen by various stages of militancy - an uncurable cancer - expressed in the unrealistic Khat Al Achmar (Red-Line)Doctrine

Finally in Mukharram 1427 - Feb. 2006,by the grace of Allah, Sabhanahu wa Ta'ala, we realized the incorrectness of this drastic and unrealistic action and rescinded every seperatist measure taken previously, re-uniting with the mainstream of the Ummah, emerging strengthened and more determined than ever before to contribute our share for the turn-around and betterment of its poor state.

It is this terrible time, this time of test and vision, that the Bagheban must speak up with a thundering and fearless voice, often a lone figure in the mist of the dawn, a lone figure that travels mystically during the night time and especially at dawn, during fajr prayers throughout the corners of the Islamic Ummah, an Ummah that needs to change its ways, abandon militancy and come to terms within the family of man, becoming thus a peaceful noble nation amongst the nations.

The Time to speak up is NOW !

Khalil Abdullah Al Rashid - The Bagheban, Al Assad Al Musaalim
Mukharram 1427 H. - Feb. 2006- Al Hambra - Al Qasr Al Salaam - Granada - Al Andalus - Spain