IslamPeace-IUT wurde am 2 Jumada Al Thani 1421 H. - 31. August 2000 in Hamburg - Deutschland gegründet.
Anfang Dezember 2000 nahm es seine Tätigkeit auf. Unsere Organisation, IslamPeace-IUT ,die Islamische-Universale Friedensbewegung und Islamische-Universale Transformation, arabisch: Al Kharakat Al Islamiyya Al Shamalah Al Salaam Al Alaami,seit 15.9.2003 mit dem Zusatz "Al Rashidun " versehen, ist eine unabhängige, neue Islamische-Universale Friedensbewegung,deren oberstes Ziel die Islamische-Universale Transformation ist, ein innerer Zustand des persönlichen Friedens eines jeden Moslems.
Die Islamische-Universale Transformation, arabisch:A-Tahauwol Al Islami Al Shamal Al Alaami, ATA'I - ASHA'A oder auf Englisch/Deutsch kurz IUT genannt, ist ein innerer, geistiger,religöser Prozess, der allein durch Gott dem Allmächtigen, bewirkt werden kann, soweit wir IHM dazu die Möglichkeit geben.
Dieser Prozess der inneren Wandlung und Umwandlung steht jedem Menschen in jeder Religion offen.
Wir als Mosleme sehen unsere Aufgabe darin,dem Wohl der Islamischen Ummah zu dienen, und das Mässigende und Gute zu fördern, und unsere positiven Erfahrungen weiterzugeben.
Founding Session of IslamPeace-IUT
"Bismillahi'r-Rahmani'r-Rahim - In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Merciful"As salaamu aleiqum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatou ...
Today we invest so much energy in proving our points , WE are in the right - THE OTHERS are in the wrong , and thus we are justified in our actions and look down on the others or at most try to win them over to our point of view.
Often we are so pre-occupied that we lose sight of the real goals and missions that we have to accomplish.
We have great people , great enthusiasm and energy , but we are isolated bodies pulling in different directions, and this is our greatest pitfall.
The worst situation is that we have Islamic Groups and Formations who criticize their governments, their spiritual leaders and question their legitimacy.
And as a result , these forces fight each other bitterly and view everything with suspicion and sense conspiracy after any action, even when simple and innocent.
We must ask ourselves , who and what serves Islam best , what course of action and what understanding of the actions that are really required.
Islamic Groups, pious and wonderful scholars , full of fire of faith and conviction must work together with , and not against their governments. - This is the number one iron rule.
We must remember that we are still living in the Dunja and not yet Aheera.
We must strive with all our being to be worthy for Paradise , and we must remember that we all are mortals and thus imperfect, subject to shortcomings , failures and crisis. We must always guard against shaytan, luring over our shoulders.
We must concentrate to be enlightened and to walk in the light, and this light will shine forth, and shine through darkness and despair.
We must be examplary, we must follow the sample of our Prophet Muhammad , Peace be upon Him and his household ,
Even when we reach, or we think we reach higher spiritual levels than those in authority over us , we are subject to THEIR AUTHORITY !
It is our duty to obey the Law, we are not above the Law ! Even when the Law acts not to our liking, we as citizens have to follow the Law.
This is especially true for Islamic Governments, and also for Non Islamic Governments.
He who resides outside the Ummah's geographical sphere, a Muslim is always of course a part of the Ummah, usually has a choice to leave and return home . But when you live abroad, Muslims amongst Non Muslims, you are Representatives of the Ummah , never forget who you are , never just think of yourselves or bemoan the fact that you were born Muslims. Oh remember what a precious gift Allah Sabhanahou wa Ta'ala has given you !
It is our sacred duty , WAJIB , to strive and labor to the best of our ability for our families, communities and the Islamic Ummah whose proud members we are.
We are not called to replace the Law , nor to oppose the Law , but to be a positive influence which is welcomed by the Law. Let us strive to perfect ourselves in all humbleness, not out of boasting , but out of love and concern , for we all are brothers and sisters.
We might murmur in view of hardships and poverty, restrictions, economic shortcomings. This has been the way from the beginning of time. There will always be those who have plenty and share a little , and those who have little and share plenty of the little they have.
Remember, it is all a matter of faith and attitude. Remember the sufferings of the early Muslims and the strength of their faith, above all our beloved Prophet Muhammad , PBUH.
Their shining example , when confessing to their faith , their conduct are not distant echoes from the Past , but their legacy to us ,today, tomorrow and forever.
To those who have little, to those who suffer we cry out : Conquer your bitterness and apathy, let this not wear you down , trust in Allah Sabhanahou wa Ta'ala . These are not mere empty words , THIS IS THE TRUTH !
Even when you have little financially , you have plenty through your Faith !
Do not escape into gloom and despair , but face life , as difficult as it might seem today. Tomorrow will be different !
Bear your fate with dignity , keep yourself and your surroundings neat and tidy . Paint your homes and fences white (with a small green lining on top) to show to you and the world, HERE LIVES A PROUD , HUMBLE MUSLIM. Wipe away the despair and tears , let your bird of Faith take to the air in prayers and supplications, constantly. Be kind and concerned, especially to the weak and needy, including helpless animals and creatures for they thirst and hunger like all living beings, yet let your thirst and hunger be for more than bread.
Spiritual food is rich in nourishment , available in rich abundance and FREE OF CHARGE !
Let this be your attitude , internally and externally , no matter how tough life still will get !
Do not be tempted to take shortcuts or the easy way out by compromising your soul's welfare and do not lose a chance for repentance for WE ALL must face the Judgment Day ! Do not judge and be judged by others who are not in proper authority.
Do not assume authority and declare the legal ways as null and void because they do not conform, in your and your associates opinion, fully with the Islamic Laws. There are legal courts and high Islamic Authorities from the Ulamah who can and will deal with these matters !
In closing I want to address those organized brothers and sisters I talked about earlier :
Always remember that it starts with each individual . The Movements , Groups and Causes that you represent , must stand the test of UNITY and CONSENSUS within the majority of the Islamic Ummah. For if not , you cannot grow and expand , nor develop the energy necessary to bring about the big changes that you work for and anticipate.
If you do not grow or at very low pace , you remain in Trance Formation , whereas we all require true Transformation. Not by brute force , not by dictatorship or any other man-made schemes of power and government, but through the converting celestial power and ultimate authority , through the will of Allah , Sabhanahou wa Ta'ala , FOR HE IS THE TRUE CONVERTER OF THE HUMAN SOUL , HE TOUCHES OUR HEARTS .
We mortals are mere vessels and tools to channel the celestial energy, if found worthy for this task. NOBODY can force you to step from darkness and haze into clarity and light , except your own heart , through the touch of Allah Sabhanahou wa Ta'ala. And finally I want to pay tribute to our Great Scholars and Spiritual Leaders , of whom I am so Proud and touched by their wisdom and Faith , and also to our civil Leaders. They perform difficult tasks , daily and the weight of Government rests heavy on their shoulders. Many fateful decisions must be carefully considered first before they can be carried out. This applies to all spheres of public and private life . The world economy is very demanding, and we often still lag behind the industrial nations. To close this gap is not just a task of our governments but also of personal involvement through better education, training and personal advancement. Our Leaders, our Governments and all of us are in allegiance here to move ahead in a well coordinated effort towards economical independence, because we must be able to make decisions free of outside dictation.
We must less demand from others and demand more from ourselves. We must constantly strive to better our situation. If we don't do the necessary steps, nobody will do it for us !
Wa salaamu aleiqum wa Rahmatullah , wa Barakatou
Khalil Abdullah