" Bismillahi-r-Ramhani'r-Rahim "
Our Vision:
IslamPeace-IUT Al RashidunBagheban-e-Islam - Al Rashidun Leadership | ||
Al Rashidun dissolved as a separate entity | Khalil Abdullah | |
EIU -Al Rashidun Armed Forces | IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun does not seek military capabilities, nor wishes to engage in active combat, but focuses its energies on peace-making and reconciliation within the Islamic Ummah and through Interfaith Dialogue to avoid confrontation, for the sake of WorldPeace | |
Yellow Crescent Peace Corps - YCPC | Ameer Ali Ibn Abdullah- Tehrani | The New Peaceful Order |
YCS Al Saqoor -Al Nusoor -Al Fajr1 | Ameer Muhammad Ibn Abdullah - Isfahani | of the YCS -Falcon Guard - Eagles and Intelligence Services Bagheban Body Guards - Ushers and Watchmen |
Al Hilal Al Asfar Sari Hilal Gelber Halbmond Crescente Amarillo | Ameerah Wafa Qassem | IslamCare - FamCare Noble Commander of the YCP Muslima Division |
Al Tala'iayun Yellow Crescent Pioneers | Ameer Abdulrahman Al Islaami | Second-in-Command of the Islamic-Universal Transformation |
IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun Media Ba'ham-Ma'aan-Al Quds -Al Rashidun Baadhoye Behesht | In-Charge of IP-IUT-AR Media Secretary,Spokesperson and personal Bagheban PR Officer | |
Gelber Halbmond Zentralverband GHZ Deutschland - Oesterreich - Schweiz | Omar Ibn Al Farid - Hamburgi | Assistant:Wakil Ziad Ali - Berlin Personal Bagheban PR - Europe |
Special Diplomatic Envoys | ||
Nippon - Japan | Al Mutawakkil Tuluni | Residence : Osaka - Tokyo |
PR CHINA | Al Samarra Al Sheikh | Hong Kong - Tawain Residence: Bejing - Shanghai |
Siberia - Mongolia | Jamal Abu Mundiqh | Kazakhstan - Turkmen Rep. Mongolia Res: ULan Baatar - Adena |
Indonesia | Ahmad Abdal Malik | Residence: Jakarta - Bandung |
Malaysia | Abdullah Nour Al Deen | Residence: Kuala Lumpur -Melaka |
India - Pakistan | Muhammad Muhyi Al Deen | Residence: New Delhi - Karachi |
Samarkand | Tawfiq Abu Jaffar Al Esfahani | Turkey - Turkmen Rep. Surrounding Areas Residence: Bukhara - Istanbul - Ashghabad |
Russian Federation | Yusef Abdul Hagig | Residence: St. Petersburg - Moscow - Odessa |
Germany - Poland - Scandinavia | Abdur Rahman | Poland - Scandinavia Residence: Hamburg - Warsaw - Copenhagen |
France - Belgium | Hisham Walid | Belguim Residence: Paris - Brussels |
United Kingdom - Ireland | Hakam Al Muntasir | Ireland Residence: London |
Spain - Morocco | Muhammad Abu Alahmar | and Maghrib Countries Residence: Granada - Madrid - Casablanca |
Abdur Rahman Al Muturza | Canada Residence: Washington DC - Montreal | |
Kasim Bin Hamud | Central and South America Residence: Rio de Janeiro - Buenos Aires | |