İslami-Evrensel Dönüşüm - İED

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun ATA'I-ASHA'A

The New Peaceful Order of the Rightly Guided
Governing Authority of the Enlightened Islamic-Universal Transformation - ATA'I-ASHA'A

Together in the service of Peace - با هم در خدمت صلح

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - ATA'I-ASHA'A

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - ATA'I-ASHA'A - Islamic-Universal Transformation - Hamburg - Berlin - Granada - Andalus - Istanbul - Cairo - Samarkand - Jerusalem Al Quds

Mukhatr Almanya – Hamburg - 2 Jamadu Al Thani 1421 – Aug 31, 2000

22 Years Bagheban-e-Islam

Jumada Al - Awwal 27, 1422 - Safar 1, 1445 - August 17, 2001 - 2023
22 Years Bagheban-e-Islam - ATA'I-ASHA'A - IUT Leadership


Tek Millet - Tek Bayrak - Tek-Vatan - Tek Devlet - Tek Yürek ERDOĞAN

Friday, October 28, 2022

Bismillahi'r-Rahmani'r-Rahim - Important Notice !

Private - Personal Blog reflecting the visions of the author only,inspired and invoked during Prayer.
The "organization" is still unborn, not yet reality, an expression of what should be not what is. No connections to other groups, organizations, parties etc. Just my own convictions, visions and experiences.
Above all : the desire for peace and peaceful living ! All is in the hands of the Almighty - Allah Sabhanahou wa Taala !

The Bagheban - Khalil Abdullah - Al Assad al Musaalim
Founder of IslamPeace-IUT - ATA'I-ASHA'A - today still a vision - tomorrow reality ? Bagheban-e Islam - The Gardeners in the Islamic Garden - Baghe Islam