İslami-Evrensel Dönüşüm - İED

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun ATA'I-ASHA'A

The New Peaceful Order of the Rightly Guided
Governing Authority of the Enlightened Islamic-Universal Transformation - ATA'I-ASHA'A

Together in the service of Peace - با هم در خدمت صلح

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - ATA'I-ASHA'A

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - ATA'I-ASHA'A - Islamic-Universal Transformation - Hamburg - Berlin - Granada - Andalus - Istanbul - Cairo - Samarkand - Jerusalem Al Quds

Mukhatr Almanya – Hamburg - 2 Jamadu Al Thani 1421 – Aug 31, 2000

23 Years Bagheban-e-Islam

Jumada Al - Awwal 27, 1422 - Safar 13, 1446
August 17, 2001 - 2024
23 Years Bagheban-e-Islam - ATA'I-ASHA'A - IUT Leadership


Tek Millet - Tek Bayrak - Tek-Vatan - Tek Devlet - Tek Yürek ERDOĞAN

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Yeni Şafak - Новый заря - New Dawn - فجر جديد - नई सुबह -Bình minh mới -新的曙光 -新しい夜明け : Recep Tayyip Erdoğan - Gülü incitme gönül - (MUHTEŞEM YORUM)...

Yeni Şafak - Новый заря - New Dawn - فجر جديد - नई सुबह -Bình minh mới -新的曙光 -新しい夜明け : Recep Tayyip Erdoğan - Gülü incitme gönül - (MUHTEŞEM YORUM)(


By © Raimond Spekking / CC BY-SA 4.0 (via Wikimedia Commons), CC BY-SA 4.0, Link

Owing to labour migration in the 1960s and several waves of political refugees since the 1970s, Islam has become a visible religion in Germany.[2] An estimate published in 2016 for 2015 calculated that there are 4.4 to 4.7 million Muslims in Germany (5.4–5.7% of the population).[3] Of these, 1.9 million are German citizens (2.4%).[4] There are also higher estimates, for example according to the German Islam Conference in 2012, Muslims represent 7% of the population in Germany in 2012.[5]

Islam is the largest minority religion in the country, with the Protestant and Roman Catholic confessions being the majority religions.[6][7][8] Most Muslims in Germany have roots in Turkey,[9] followed by Arab countries, former Yugoslavia (mostly of Kosovo-Albanian or Bosnian origin), Afghanistan and Iran. There are also a significant minority originated from Sub-Saharan Africa (mostly East Africa) and South Asia (mostly Pakistan). The large mayority of Muslimes live in former West Germany, including West Berlin. However, unlike in most other European countries, sizeable Muslim communities exist in some rural regions of Germany, especially Baden-Württemberg, Hesse and parts of Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia. Owing to the lack of labour immigration before 1989, there are only very few Muslims in the former East Germany. Among the German districts with the highest share of Muslim migrants are Groß-Gerau (district) and Offenbach (district) according to migrants data from the census 2011.[10] The majority of Muslims in Germany are Sunnis, at 75%. There are Shia Muslims (7%) and mostly from Iran.[citation needed] The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community organization comprise a minority of Germany's Muslims, numbering some 35,000 members or a little over 1% of the Muslim population,[11] and are found in 244 communities[11] as of 2013.

From the mid-2000s to 2016 there has been a surge migrants to Germany from outside Europe. Of the 680,000 regular migrants, 270,000 were Muslim. Additionally, of the 1,210,000 asylum seekers, 900,000 were muslim (around 74%). Of the asylum seekers, 580,000 applicants were approved and 320,000 were denied or expected to be denied. According to the Pew Research Center, similar patterns of Muslim migration to Germany should be expected in the future and the muslim population share is expected to grow.[12]

After the West German Government invited foreign workers ("Gastarbeiter") in 1961, the figure sharply rose to currently 4.3 million (most of them Turkish from the rural region of Anatolia in southeast Turkey). They are sometimes called a parallel society within ethnic Germans.[18]
According to the German statistical office 9.1% of all newborns in Germany had Muslim parents in 2005.[19]
In 2017, Muslims and Islamic institutions were targeted by attacks 950 times, where houses are painted with Nazi symbols, hijab-wearing women are harassed, threatening letters are sent and 33 people were injured. In nearly all cases, the perpetrators were right-wing extremists.[20]

In May 2018 a court in Berlin upheld the right to the state's neutrality principle by barring a primary school teacher from wearing a headscarf during classes, where the court spokesman stated that children should be free of the influence that can be exerted by religious symbols.[21]

According to a study in 2018 by Leipzig University, 56% of Germans sometimes thought the many Muslims made them feel like strangers in their own country, up from 43% in 2014. In 2018, 44% thought immigration by Muslims should be banned, up from 37% in 2014.[22]

In December 2018, the government of Germany strengthened the control of Saudi, Kuwaiti and Qatari funding for radical mosque congregations. The measure was recommended by an anti-terrorist agency in Berlin (German: Terrorismus-Abwehrzentrum) which since 2015 had started to monitor Safalist proselytizing funding in the wake of the European migrant crisis to prevent refugees from becoming radicalized. Henceforth Gulf authorities are required to report payments and funding to the German Federal Foreign Office (German: Auswärtigen Amt). wikipedia

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

ATA'I-ASHA'A - IUT - IslamPeace - Al Rashidun ++++++ SEP 15 2001 - PRESS RELEASE +++


As Salaamu aleiqum ...
IslamPeace-IUT - Al Kharakat Al Islamiyyah Al Shamalah Al Salaam Al Alaami - Al Rashidun and its 3 main organisations:

1.Al Andalus - Samarkand - Islamic-Universal Transformation
2.Al Hilal Al Asfar - Al Tala'iayun - Yellow Crescent Pioneers
3.Ba'ham-Ma'aan-Al Quds - Islamic -Universal Voice of Peace

express their profound condolences to the American People over the major tragedy and calamity which has befallen their country on Sep 11, 2001 in New York , Washington DC and other places.

We condem this outrageous action and be-mourn together with all peace-loving people - yes the entire human civilization, the loss of so many innocent lives.

We would like at the same time remind the world of the loss of innocent lives and shedding of blood in other, numerous parts of this globe. Always the Helpless women and children, the Weak and Elderly pay the terrible price for cruel and irresponsible actions committed by others.

As the USA and the Western Nations get ready to retaliate, we see before our eyes the killings and suffering of innocent civilians, the nightmare of screaming babies and children and their mothers ....

We turn our eyes heavenwards in prayers " Oh Lord have Mercy upon the Innocent ! " -

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - ATA'I - ASHA'A - Hamburg - Almanya

All our peace efforts are thrown backwards in view of the brutal forces at work ....
But we shall continue and lengthen our stride and double our efforts to bring Light, Hope, Peace , Unity and Happiness and lift the many heavy burdens from so many despairing souls.

May Allah, Sabhanahou wa Ta'ala, give us the strength and wisdom and guide us ....

Wa salaamu aleiqum wa Rachmatullah wa Barakatou
Bagheban-e Islam,Khalil Abdullah - Al Rashid
The Bagheban - Al Assad Al Musaalim, Za'im Al Kharakat Al Islamiyyah Al Shamalah Al Salaam Al Alaami va Al Sultah A-Tahauwol Al Islami Al Shamal Al Alaami - Hamburg Almaniya

Thursday, August 15, 2019

18 Years Bagheban-e-Islam

Jumada Al - Awwal 27, 1422 - 1440 - August 17, 2001 - 2019
18 Years Bagheban-e-Islam ATA'I-ASHA'A Leadership

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

To Wa'el on the Day of presenting the Holy Qur'an

On the 5th Day of Ramadan you brightened my evening !

I was excited and full of anticipation, and when I held the Holy Qur'an close to my heart, I felt the spirit of the Lord.

That very moment I held You, and your Mother, your Sisters and Brothers, your Friends and your Teachers, yes every Muslim close to my heart.

I never had read in the Holy Qur'an before, and suddenly it pierced my heart and penetrated deep, and filled so many new chambers ,,,,
I felt its contents flow into my heart, and suddenly I knew what a Great Man and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was, deeply moved by the Lord.

Wa'el, Wa'el my Brother, when holding this Holy Book, I was removed as on the wings of Eagles, and stood in the Mountains of Yemen, and in the Plains of Hadramauth, and then again in the Desert of Saudia and I beheld from afar the Holy cities of Mecca and Medina and the Multitudes therein ..
and then again I was in the smallest villages, greeting my Brothers and Sisters ... lifting some heavy Burdens as my own became light as a feather.

The little Children were also my Children, Playmates of my precious Daughter. The old Women were my Mothers, and the old Men my Fathers. The Young People my Soulmates, my Brothers and Sisters.

My Heart bled in view of the Violence and Uglyness, the Starvation and Dying in Africa and Asia, but I felt the Beautiful Winds of Paradise and I saw the Desert bloom with beautiful Flowers, and Rivers of Living Waters.
No Soul will be lost, for the innocent will inherit Paradise !

Wa'el where you will go, I will go also !
Where I will go the precious Holy Qur'an will also be a part of me.

This 5th Day of Ramadan will be a Day of Remembrance of our Deep and Special Friendship, yes our Alliance for Love and Compassion in this World, that Yearns and Moans, and thirsts and hungers for Love !

Le me embrace you, my Dear Brother, yes you could even by my Son for you were just 3 months old when I came to this Land, and to this Region in September 1967.

Allah (SWT), the Compassionate and Merciful, guide, protect and bless you all the days of your Life, and on all your Ways, and in all Righteous Endeavors, where-ever you may be ....

Thank you from the Bottom of my Heart !!!
Allah (SWT), the Compassionate and Merciful bless your Loved Ones in rich Abundance, to HIM we submit our Lives, all the Days of our Mortal Existence and Beyond ...

Allahou Akbar !
Khalil Abdullah - March 1992 / Ramadan 1412 H.

I was pacing with excitement pressing the Holy Qur'an to my Heart. It was a large room, a sort of hall. Suddenly the four walls seem to collapse outwards and I was in the Open - light brown stony grounds, no greenery ...

with great speed the entire Middle East zoomed in on me - a scene so overwhelming - I felt uplifted as if above the ground, not feeling the floor - this lasted while a was pacing throughout this hall. this vision ended when I found myself in the Holy City of Jerusalem, Al Quds al Sharif, to my left I saw a wooden Pulpit, I stood behind the Pulpit,dressed in white Garb, holding the Holy Qur'an in the air.
The Pulpit was elevated, but not too high, opposite below there was a big crowd seated and I began to speak to them with a loud voice ; " Bismillahi'r - Rahmani'r - Rahim " End of Vision.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Baadhoye Behesht - The Carpet Store Dream - Summer 2001

Bismihi Ta'ala

(Islamic Media Release - Shaval 1422 - Part of the Islamic Unity Campaign)

Inside a carpet store's afternoon - not too much light outside or inside the store. In front of me an empty space but piles of carpets to my right and left.

Two people start serving me, and fill the empty space with carpets. But they do not pile the full carpets one on top of each other, but rather fold each carpet in half and the man to the left and the other to the right actually folded carpets in two piles, instead of one.

The piles grow. They touch each other and are actually very close together. Suddenly I see a man lying on top and in the center of these two not too high piles. He is dark - strange - doesn't move - like a mumi or a dead man. He is somewhat grayish, charred like a burnt corpse ? I can't figure it out, it's very strange. He looks peacefully and not in agony... I don't know who is lying there, I feel no fright or fear, only couriosity.... The man is tall, slimm and handsome I can't figure it out ...

While I behold this scene, the two man stand near their piles. Now they start spreading more carpets, but this time they cover the man in the center of the pile.

This time they do not fold the carpets as they had done before, but they cover him with the full carpet. One man spreads his carpets from the left, the other man spreads his full carpet on top of the other carpets from the right. It's now a strong growing pile, not the weak piles from before. The man (Corpse ?)slowly disappears under the fast and high growing pile of carpets.

I feel at peace and at ease and very calm ...

End of Dream
Interpretation : The two men are a Shi'i and a Sunni
Their half folded carpet piles, although very close to each other were weak and not very appealing to the customers.

The man in the middle who lay with his body on both ends of the pile caused the change in the carpet merchants' attitude . They started to spread each other carpets now in full on top of this man and the pile became one strong pile . Everybody was happy and at peace ....

This dream reminds of the prayer vision described as


Bagheban-e Islam , Khalil Abdullah, Al Rashid, Al Andalusi -"The Bagheban - Al Assad Al Musaalim"
IslamPeace - IUT -Al Rashidun -The Enlightened Islamic-Universal Peace Movement,
Baadhoye Behesht - Riach Ila Al Djenah - The Winds to Paradise - The Enlightened Islamic-Universal Peace Mission
ATA'I-ASHA'A The Enlightened Islamic-Universal Peace Mission and Transformation - IUT Al Rashidun
The Rightly Guided of the New Peaceful Order

Above release is now five (18) years old - and much has changed since ...
Our focus and concern, our full energy, is directed at the gradual enfolding of the New Peaceful Order, Al Rashidun Al Jdudd, that will eventually effect the entire Islamic Ummah !

Now, Mukharram 1427 (1441) H. the dream interpretation has changed, revised to the new reality of the Al Rashidun Al Jdudd - The New Peaceful Order :

The two piles represent the old Order, partly occupied by Militant Islam, and trapped in its own inability of change and growth.

The person on top of the two piles represents the Bagheban-e Islam, the IP-IUT Al Rashidun Leadership and followers. Their sacrifice and efforts will bring about the change ! The charred corpse represents, war - civil strive -fitnah amongst Islamic factions, which we are witnessing already in Iraq, and which will errupt in full force, in the near future.
The Global Anti Terror War is still only in its beginnings and will unfortunately develop into much higher degrees than we can image by now ....

After that civil war, the great change will finally come - the Islamic Ummah in its Enlightened and Transformed state, will take its rightful and lawful place amongst the Nations ....

May God help us all - and may Allah - Sabhanaou wa Ta'ala be with the women and children and all the innocent, caught in this terrible conflict ...

The Bagheban - Al Rashid - Al Assad Al Musaalim

ATA'I-ASHA'A - Islamic-Universal Transformation - IUT , Al Rashidun

Khalil Abdullah's Personal Appeal for PEACE and UNITY

Bismillah'r- Rahmani'r -Rahim - Bismihi Ta'ala

As salaamu aleiqum - dear Shi'i wa Sunni Brothers and Sisters .... As a new Muslim I make no distinction in my heart altho I believe that both schools of thoughts must be respected and honored. We all look to the future, rather than the painful past ... We all must unite and seek that what unites us ..

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - The Islamic-Universal Peace Movement - The Enlightened Islam of the Rightly Guided of the New Peaceful Order - The Islamic-Universal Transformation - IUT - ATA'I-ASHA'A and all its organizations seek to be a bridge and embrace you all ..

A few months ago , during djumah prayers I happened to pray on the veranda of the mosque rather than inside .. It so happened , and I dearly believe , it was no co-incidence , but guided from above, that I was praying on two different carpets. One light brown to my right and one red to my left and I was exactly in the middle of them, one leg on the light brown and one leg on the red carpet. When I was in sujud & djelsah I realized ,I was both Shi'i and Sunni and great excitment came over me , moving me to tears and I had a hard time to concentrate on prayer ...

These two carpets were a symbol , and have become a symbol for us ... We all are Brothers & Sisters and must love one another in the purest and true Spirit of Islam ...

The prayer mat is made of two halves to form a whole and complete mat. - It's our symbol for Love and Unity. We must remember our glorious past and not ommit the painful martyrdoms , yet we must concentrate on the present and the future. With all the difficulty and difference between Shi'a and Sunna we must not forget that only the entire Muslim body can accomplish the goals and challenges that the Islamic Ummah faces . We must honor each other, and with full and equal respect can we hope to attain our goals. May this spirit not falter, but only increase with every passing day

As salaamu alaiqum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatou Yours Brother in Islam Khalil Abdullah Al Rashid, Al Andalusi

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Turkey’s Security Challenge: Turkey receives Russian missile hardware

Al Muntaqa Al Salaam : Al Eisha - Nightfall - Bagheban-e-Islam - Cuba - Bahamas - Alaska - Canada

Al Muntaqa Al Salaam : Al Maghrib - Evening - Bagheban-e-Islam - The Americas

Al Muntaqa Al Salaam : Al ASR - Afternoon - Bagheban-e-Islam Near East - Africa - Europe

Al Muntaqa Al Salaam - Dhuhur - Noon - Bagheban-e-Islam Asia - Middle East

Fajr - Dawn - Al Muntaqa Al Salaam - Bagheban-e-Islam Far East

Fajr - Dawn - Al Muntaqa Al Salaam - Bagheban-e-Islam Far East

Bagheban-e-Islam Recruitment Notice

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam,

As salaamu aleiqum ...
Bagheban-e-Islam is looking for talented and skillful Leadership to lead the various organizational departments within IslamPeace - The Islamic- Universal Peace Movement, be they Shi'i, be they Sunni, we ALL are Muslims and committed to brotherly Unity, Al Wahdeh ( Qur'an 3)

We require : 1- Brothers and Sisters to lead the various IslamPeace Organizational Units ,as well as Sisters to head "Al Andalus-Samarkand - IslamCare Welfare Organization".

We cannot stress enough the importance of our Sisters in this new Movement !

We owe them gratitude and respect, we believe that they are an important cornerstone of our endeavors, which have at their aim the education and training of our children towards economic independence of the Islamic Ummah.

We cannot do it alone, it requires the mobilization of ALL of us ! We must have the inner strength to find the right formular for good conduct amongst brothers and sisters. Married couple partnership work is one way to success, it requires self-discipline and maturity.

We cannot stress enough, the need for modesty and proper attire, the need to counter improper behaviour at all times ! It might seem risky or unacceptable to some, but we must dare to go new ways, to set things right, to jointly reap success !

2-Membership in the IslamPeace Movement and full inner committment is mandatory. Acceptance under oath of the IslamPeace Honor Code of Conduct.

3- Faith - Faith - Faith - good Islamic Knowledge and good Personal and Professional Conduct, Communication skills, prior Leadership experience welcomed but not essential. We are looking for natural talents,leaders that shape and emerge from early age onward. Professional background that permits part time service as "Bagheban-e Islam", without compromising and/or unduly disruption of family life. Married candidates have preference.

4-Ability to interact well within the Movement with superiors ,peers and subordinates, as well as outside the Movement, be it within a Muslim or Non-Muslim Environment.

Tolerance and mildness is expected and required at all times ! Remember, Leaders are NEVER above the others who our entrusted in our care. Leaders are Servants - yes servants with faith, humbleness and dignity to further the cause for Islamic-Universal Peace and World Peace.

Bagheban-e-Islam expects you to be fatherly and brotherly, sisterly and motherly companions and facilitators,coaches and trend-setters.

At this stage positions are on a part-time ,voluntary basis, future permanent full time status with modest monetary compensation will be possible.

Candidates must apply in writing with necessary back-up. All applications will be carefully reviewed. At the first ,inital stage e-mail only to:

We will contact you for any further mailings we might require.

The Bagheban-e-Islam recruitment committee will review and contact the applicants for further clarification if necessary.

The Committee will present its recommendations at the first annual Bagheban-e-Islam Leadership Meeting,as part of the "Shurafa Al Islam" Majlis in Hamburg, Germany, inshAllah.

Details will be forwarded in due course.

The candidates elected during the 2-day Hamburg Convention, beginning of Mukharram 1423, will be informed of their acceptance and will be invited to participate in a special session planned at the Al Hambra - Al Qasr Al Salaam - Granada , Al Andalus - Spain ,right after the convention.

This will be a historic meeting, marking the official emergence of the Islamic-Universal Peace Mission and Transformation, 2 years after the establishement of the Yellow Crescent, Al Hilal Al Asfar (22.Mukharram 1421) 4 years after the establishment of " Ba'ham-Ma'aan-Al Quds " , and 10 years after the foundation of " Baadhoye Behesht ".

With best wishes for a successful Ramadan Al Karim, Al Mubarak and a spiritually uplifting Eid Il Fitr, despite the somber times,

Jazakum Allahou Khayran ! wa salaamu aleiqum wa Rahmatullah, wa Barakatou

Bagheban-e Islam Khalil Abdullah, Al Andalusi, Al Almani Za'im Al Kharakat Al Islamiyya Al Shamalat Al Salaam Al Alaami IslamPeace - The Islamic-Universal Peace Movement

Baadhoye Behesht - Riach Ila Al Djenah - The Winds to Paradise Islamic-Universal Peace Mission & Islamic-Universal Transformation

Bagheban-e-Islam HDQ Hamburg - Germany

"Bismillahi'r-Rahmani'r-Rahbim" - As salaamu aleiqum .... We do not come with bombs,we do not spread Terror,Death and Fear, but we come with Light and Hope ! We are your Bridge to a Better Morrow - a better Understanding - we are the Yellow Crescent Peace Pioneers - No more Hate - No more War - wa salaaamu aleiqum - Al Hilal Al Asfar - Al Tala'iayun - Your Muslim Brothers and Sisters in the big Family of Man - We are IslamPeace - IUT - The Islamic-Universal Peace Movement from Germany and the Governing Authority of the Islamic-Universal Transformation - A transformation of the Heart - in Love - in Respect - Wa Salaam *****

Wir kommen nicht mit Bomben , wir verbreiten weder Furcht noch Schrecken oder Tod ,sondern wir kommen zu Euch mit Licht und Hoffnung ! Wir sind Eure Bruecke fuer einen besseren Tag, eine bessere Zukunft , ein besseres Verstaendnis *** Wir sind die Gelben Halbmond Friedens Pioniere ** Nie mehr Hass ** Nie wieder Krieg *** Friede Sei mit Euch - Al Hilal Al Asfar Al Tala'iayun *** Eure Moslemischen Brueder und Schwestern in der grossen Familie aller Menschen *** Wir sind IslamPeace - IUT - Die Islamische-Universale Friedensbewegung aus Deutschland und die regierende Authoritaet der Islamischen-Universalen Transformation - Eine Umwandlung der Herzen - in Liebe und Respekt
- Wa salaam - Der Bagheban - Al Assad Al Musaalim - 22 Ramadan 1423 H.********

Friday, July 12, 2019

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun ATAI'I-ASHA'A

Governing Authority of the Enlightened Islamic-Universal Transformation
Bagheban-e Islam - Baghe Samarkand

The New Peaceful Order of the Rightly Guided





Bagheban-e Islam Al Rashidun - IUT Diplomatic Envoys /Al Hilal Al Afar Al Tala'iayu Al Salaam - Sari Hilal
Yellow Crescent Peace Pioneer Corps - IslamCare-IUT Al Rashidun
Mukharram Field Commanders - Al Saqoor - Falcon Guard - Al Nusoor - Security Personnel / Ushers
HDQ EAST - Russia / CIS (East) - Mongolia -China - Japan - South Korea - Vietnam -Singapore- Thailand - India - Turkey
Transport Div
Logistic Center
IUT-AR-Eastern Admin
Eastern Liason
IUT-AR-Far-Eastern Admin
Asian Liason






Wednesday, July 10, 2019

İslami-Evrensel Dönüşüm - İED GENEL MÜDÜRLÜK - HAMBURG - ALMANYA: Future of Jerusalem: President Erdogan and King Abdullah speak...

İslami-Evrensel Dönüşüm - İED GENEL MÜDÜRLÜK - HAMBURG - ALMANYA: Future of Jerusalem: President Erdogan and King Abdullah speak...

İslami-Evrensel Dönüşüm - İED GENEL MÜDÜRLÜK - HAMBURG - ALMANYA: Turkish President Erdogan speaks at the OIC leaders summit in Istanbul...

İslami-Evrensel Dönüşüm - İED GENEL MÜDÜRLÜK - HAMBURG - ALMANYA: Turkish President Erdogan speaks at the OIC leaders summit in Istanbul...

Islam is heading in a dangerous direction - Oct 2003 Statement

It is unwise to assume that it can take on the entire world and fight a Holy War - Djihad against civilization. The previous conquests that let to the spread of Islam is past history and could not repeat itself today,for the world has changed. In those days a small Muslim army, fierce and determined could easily overrun peaceloving nations, of merchants and city dwellers who wanted nothing better but to avoid confrontation and blood-shed, they were easy prey and easy converts, forced at the drawn sword ! Islaam - Tislaam.

And nowadays ??? Islam has not been able to advance, but is on the retreat instead whereas the world is advancing and ahead of the Islamic Ummah with every passing decade. No car bombs - no guerilla warfare can bring anything constructive about. It is sad to see that all that is left is destructive power and spreading fear and terror, clear signs of total failure and decadence !

Time is running out while militancy rages and there is no muslim action trying to stop this cancer from spreading !

Barbarism as just demonstrated during the past months with the beheading of 3 innocent civilians in the most inhuman, cruelest fashion will only hasten the process. The sad thing about it all is that "moderate" Islam is not really opposing the Militants and Terrorist, and we must ask ourselves - WHY ????

Us against the "Infidels" is not the issue, Us along side with the family of man can be the only solution !

This requires serious efforts of inner transformation and Enlightment - are we capable of this process remains to be seen ! - No Dreams and wishful thinking will change this !

- Wake up, Ya Muslimun and alter the course before it will be too late ! The majority of the Islamic Ummah wraps itself in silence, instead of fighting Terror ! - This inaction and indifference has a terrible prize, yet to be paid ! - How can anyone keep on going as if nothing is really happening ???

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - The New Peaceful Order is the Solution ! - The alternative would be terrible - this must not, has not to happen as long as change is taking place !

Bagheban-e Islam Ali Tehrani - Al Rashid on Behalf of the Bagheban.
Neauphle Le Chateaux - Oct 2003 - France

Monday, June 24, 2019

Baghe Islam - Baghe Samarkand:


All Eastern Countries: Bagheban-e Islam , Ameer Ali Ibn Abdullah, Al Rashid, Al Ferghani

Japan : Bagheban-e Islam, Al Mutawakkil Tuluni,Al Rashid, Al Ferghani

China : Bagheban-e Islam, Al Samarra Al Sheikh,Al Rashid, Al Ferghani

Siberia : Bagheban-e Islam, Jamal Abu Mundiqh, Al Rashid, Al Ferghani

Indonesia: Bagheban-e Islam, Ahmad Abdal Malik, Al Rashid, Al Ferghani

Malaysia : Bagheban-e Islam, Abdullah Nour Al Deen, Al Rashid, Al Ferghani

Pakistan : Bagheban-e Islam, Muhammad Muhyi Al Deen, Al Ferghani

Samarkand :Bagheban-e Islam, Tawfiq Abu Jaffar ,Al Rashid, Al Ferghani

IslamCare-IUT Welfare and Muslima Affairs: Bagheban-e Islam, Ameerah Wafa Qassem, Al Rashida, Al Ferghana

Baghe Islam : Bagheban-e Islam,Khalil Abdullah ,Al Rashid, Al Assad Al Musaalim

Bagheban-e-Islam - Eastern Leaders Conference - Moscow - St. Petersburg

"Bismihi Ta'ala"

"Dear Bagheban-e Islam, Leaders of the Islamic- Universal Transformation, Rashidun, As salaamu aleiqum, Marhaba - Welcome to Moscow , St. Petersburg, Berlin and Tashkent ! Best wishes and greetings to all: from Tokyo to Cairo, Istanbul and Granada, from London and Paris to Los Angeles and Honolulu, who join us to-nite by video conference - Shukran Jazilan ! - From the bottom of my heart ! - Shukran !"

We have the Right to voice our Peace Message and to persue our Mission of Peace and Transformation, Compassion and Mercy amongst Muslims and Non-Muslims alike as strong contributors to IslamPeace and WorldPeace at the same time - without fear and threat by those who oppose our views of an Enlightened Islam - we all thus proudly bear the title " Al Rashidun " The Rightly Guided, in ancient times, the title of the first four Caliphs, today the title of the Enlightened Islam - the Islamic- Universal Transformation -IP-IUT. This guidance comes from above, not by man, to this we testify with all our beings, here to-nite during the special Bagheban meeting, marking the 6th anniversary of " Ba'ham-Ma'aan-Al Quds - Al Rashidun - Islamic-Universal Voice of Peace " in Moscow and St. Petersburg, in Tashkent and Berlin , and by video conference to all our locations from Al Fajr in the Far East to Al Eisha in the Far West, around the globe, in the four corners of this planet.

This work must go forward and is going forward boldly and without hesitation - The Rightly Guided shall increase in numbers and shall be a blessing to themselves and their fellow man. The Rightly Guided Muslim / Muslima is at Peace and carries the true message of Islam and his /her da'awa like a lofty beacon before him/her . Khilafah is within us, in our hearts and beings, and we have no desire and energy to waste to seek the actual Muslim world dominion, when we already are filled with this energy to overflow, to freely share in love and brotherhood with all mankind, not by secret agendas, not by force and misguided schemes, not by dominion, but as equal members of the civilized world, contributing our share of peace and welfare.

During our meetings we have decided to increase our security measures, and maintain a state of high alertness, in view of the developments around us. We must protect our members, our mission against those who harbor ill-intent and carry harm and hatred in their hearts against this work, those who wish Jihad against the world, those who should engage in inner cleansing of a personal jihad, like all of us, for the betterment of our own souls for the day of judgement, instead of blaming everybody else except themselves.

We do not harbor hatred, but love and hope for a better morrow - yet we must not be stopped in our efforts and mission. It is for this very reason, and for this reason alone that we invest so heavly in security, to safeguard the mission and to ensure its survival and success. - We are truly blessed and greatful for the men and women in this important work

Jazakum Allahou khayran - khayran Wa salaaamu aleiqum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatou :

Khalil Abdullah Al Rashid, Al Andalusi, " The Bagheban - Al Assad Al Musaalim

Moscow - Russian Federation - 9th Shaaban 1424 H. - 5th Oct 2003

Moscow - Russia - CIS - Liaison Bureau

Head Mufti believes there are three times as many Muslims in Russia as polls have shown

Moscow, Russia - Ravil Gainutdin, head of the Council of Muftis in Russia, assesses the number of Muslims living in Russia today and representing 38 nationalities at 23 million. He stated this at the meeting of the European Muslim Union devoted to opposing extremism on Wednesday in Moscow.

‘They are natives of our country who have lived here from time immemorial, not migrants or immigrants’, he insisted.

Gainutdin also stated that ‘the number of those who confess Islam is continuously growing’. He said that ‘our Muslims have no problems with adaptation to the European society, such as experienced, unfortunately, by our fellow Muslims who come to live in Western countries from the Arab world’.

In his address, Mufti Ravil Gainutdin condemned the terrorist actions ‘which are increasingly committed under the banner of Islam’. ‘By killing innocent people one cannot achieve one’s goal, but only add to the grown of islamophobia’, he said.

According to the averaged data obtained through polls, 5% of the adult respondents in Russia (about 7 million people) claim to be Muslims. According to the 2002 census, the total strength of all nationalities confessing predominantly Islam is 14,5 million.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

добро пожаловать ! مرحبا - Welcome !

Adygea - Russia


Chechnya - RF

Chuvashia - RF

Dagestan - RF

Ingushetia - RF

Kabardino-Balkaria - RF


Tatarstan - RF

Tuva - RF

Uzbekistan - CIS

Azerbaijan - CIS

Kazakhstan - CIS

Kyrgyzstan - CIS

Tajikistan - CIS

The IslamPeace - IUT Al Rashidun - Oath of Office

The IslamPeace - IUT Al Rashidun - Oath of Office

- Raising the right hand with the Glorious Qu'ran we take this Oath :
" Bismillahi'r-Rahmani'r-Rahim, In the Name of God Almighty

we hereby declare on our Honor ,before the Gracious, High God, Allah, Sabahanou wa Ta'ala, and these witnesses, that we are fully committed to Peace and Peaceful Resolve of any Conflicts and Rightful, Legitimate Claims, we have, in full accord with the Statutes and Spirit of IslamPeace - IUT Al Rashidun, the Enlightened Islamic-Universal Peace Movement and Governing Authority of the Islamic-Universal Transformation - IUT, whose members we are about to become ,guided by our Faith and by our sincere desire to serve the Islamic Ummah and our fellow-men,this new Path and Road in the persuit and service of Islam and Peace.

We shall serve IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun and World Peace to the best of our ability and declare our total alligance and loyality to this noble cause.

We are affixing our signatures to this oath, which shall become an integral part of our application for membership and service.

A certificate from the Authorities at our Place of Residence, attesting that no criminal charges are pending against us, is attached to this application and oath.

The third document is the personally signed "IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - Principles of Conduct and Statutes".

The Principles of Conduct and Statutes reflect these noble aims and are listed as a witness unto all.

IslamPeace - IUT Al Rashidun is a legitimate and lawful, democratic, non-violent, independent Enlightened Islamic-Universal Peace Movement and Transformation, founded in Hamburg Germany, 2 Jumada Thani 1421 H. - Aug.2000

2- IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun and its organizations conduct its activities openly and in broad daylight, there are no hidden motives or agendas.

3- IslamPeace - IUT Al Rashidun members, in whatever capacity or in whatever of its organizational framework, must report IMMEDIATELY any improper, unlawful attempts by third parties to the Bagheban-e Islam Al Rashidun Leadership, through proper channels of command.
Such actions or attempts cannot and will not be tolerated.

4- Honesty and straight-forwardness are Prime Virtues ** Disceit and Misconduct will thus result in immediate Dismissal, Dis-Association from the gilty party. This applies, without exception to everyone within , or connected to IslamPeace - IUT, Al Rashidun .

Signed : Bagheban-e Islam, Khalil Abdullah, Al Rashid, Al Andalusi, The Bagheban, Al Assad Al Musaalim -
endorsed by all Bagheban-e Islam Al Rashidun Leaders during Shurafa I -
Hamburg - Granada - Al Hambra - Mukharram 1423 H. - March 2002

Bagheban-e Islam Al Rashidun - The Rightly Guided of the New Peaceful Order

revised version in compliance with the Shurafa 6 - Majlis -Mukharram 1427 H. - Feb 2006 resolutions

Tashkent - Samarkand 8-10th Rabiee Al Awal 1427 H. - 6 - 8 April 2006


1 - IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun seeks togetherness amongst diversity

2 - IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun seeks to open hearts and minds and clear the way

3 - IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun came out of darkness into the light

4 - IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun carries this light, fueled by the Almighty,Allah Sabhanhu wa Ta'ala

5 - IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun knows no boundaries, no divisions, no wealth

6 - IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun seeks goodnes and kindness in each of God's creations

7 - IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun shares love and compassion despite hatred and crime

8 - IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun humbly bears pain and hardships,mockery and scorn

9 - IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun is growing, for it is the will of Almighty Allah, Sabhanahu wa Ta'ala

10 -IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun: No beatings with stones ! but beatings of hearts !

11 - IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun: We all are BROTHERS ! Have no Fear !

12 - IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun: Come feel with us the beautiful winds of Paradise !

13 - IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun embraces you all ! - Come walk with us in the Light !


WELCOME ALL !اهلا بكم جميعا !

In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful


As salaamu aleiqum ...

 We welcome all to this unique community, which still is in its early unfolding stages, as is the movement it represents : IslamPeace - IUT , Al Rashidun - The Enlightened Islamic-Universal Peace Movement and Transformation, of the Rightely Guided , Al Rashidun a unique and independent movement with its own agenda of Peace and Reconciliation , of Non-Violence, of Respect for Life, Human , Animal and All living Beings ... a spiritual inner transformation process.

A Movement that does not rejoice in death, a movement that shares sorrow but does not share hatred., that propagates solutions leading to construction instead of destruction, that seeks positive celestial guideance out of misery and pain out of despair and gloom, a movement that seeks to re-educate and redefine basic and finer human values, that treats all human beings equal, that seeks to live in peace and dignity amongst the family of man, of which it is a part !

A movement that seeks rights in a peaceful way, non-violence starts at home, as children during upbringing.
Where there is faith, respect for Life, respect for one another, where there is refinement, culture, self-esteem, education and advancement, yes where there is Light, that touches all family members, such home willl be a positive contributer amongst the family of man !
This Life is not about death, about fleeing the misery by cutting it short, by becoming a " Hero " by comitting suicide and killing innocent people in the process, this Life has a purpose !

We are not born and have children in large numbers so that it matters not how many will make it through life, no this Life and its challenges needs to be lived wisely and rightly to bring Happiness and Peace of Mind to all.

When we are wronged, we have to seek to set it right, through great skills and determination, through non-violence until we have achieved our goals ....This Movement has evolved for this very purpose, through the devine guidance of Allah, Sabhanaou wa Ta'ala

As we are unfolding and spreading our wings in all directions this shall become more and more apparent and important.

We go a stony uphill path for peace and preach love and re-conciliation, even in hopeless situations, where only hatred blood and deaths seems to be the only sorrowful way to end the misery for good, oh we seek to seek the path of light out of such inferno and darkness ! Allah, Sabahanou wa Ta'ala is with us all !

Wa salaamu aleiqum, wa Rahmantullah wa Barakatou JAZAKUM ALLLAHOU KHAYRAN !

Bagheban-e Islam Khalil Abdullah, Al Rashid,

The Bagheban - Al Assad Al Musaalim - Head of the IUT - ATA'I-ASHA'A

Islamic-Universal Transformation - Al Rashidun - the Rightely Guided

on behalf of the Bagheban-e Islam West and East - Al Andalus - Samarkand

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - La Paz del Islam


IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun - La Paz del Islam

fue establecida 31 de agosto de 2000 en Alemania, como movimiento Islamico-Universal Independiente de la Paz.

Como tales sirve como organizacion del marco y de paraguas para varios organizaciones Islamico-Universales.

" Al Andalus - Samarkand - Al Rashidun - la transformacion Islamico-Universal " es pieza central de este movimiento ...

Es punteria debe trabajar con las fuentes islamicas progresivas y avanzadas a buscar renacimiento pacificos, espirituales del Age de oro islamico (700-1493 C.E.) y enfureceise para una educacion mejor, el entrenamiento , la independencia economica, y progreso general del " Ummah Islamico ". ...

Al Hilal Al Asfar - Al Tala'iayun - Al Rashidun -Org. Pionero Crescente Amarillo , fue fundado 22 Mukharram 1421 H. - el 26 de abril de 2000, y es la fuerza impulso ra importante dentro el movimiento.

Tensionamos " el espiritual pacifico " de los terminos " y " legal " porque somos confiado profundamente a estos valores, es nuestra misma razon de la existencia y codigo de la conducta...

El termino " Islamico-Universal " atestigua de nuestra dedicacion profunda y religioso "committment" al Islam - a la paz - a la unidad entre todos los musulmanes ... Creemos que siendo dignos, humanos, compasivos, con todo alarma y encendido guarda para evitar abuso indebido, crea un clima y una atmosfera para adelanto comun del Ummah Islamico ...

Asumimos nuestro lugar humilde y modesto dentro de este gran esfuerzo que creemos en sostener TODOS LOS GOBIERNOS LEGALES (no apenas cercaque algunos pudieron legal y legal).

Creemos en la libertad de la accion pacifica, expresando nuestras esperanzas y esforzondose hacia el bueno comun del Ummah, centrandose en un amplio consenso .. que creemos en respecto y honradez, en " openess " y la claridad de la accion ...

Creemos que nada de una naturaleza duradera se puede alcanzar poderosamente, no obstante puede ser logrado mucho en un voluntario, la manera pacifica ....

El convertidor verdadero del corazon humano es Allah, Sabhanahou wa Ta'ala, los mortales tienen solamente un papel limitado en el gran plan eterno ...

" Ba'ham-Ma'aan-Al Quds - Al Rashidun" - Voz Islamico-Universal de la Paz - es el mos viejo la organizacion y era DEC establecida 9-11-1997 por la inspiracion mientras que el 8vo OIC -organizacion de la conferencia islamica. ...

" Ba'ham-Ma'aan-Al Quds - Al Rashidun" es la ayuda de los media para la Paz del Islam.

3rd Rabiee Al Awal 1422 H. - Djummah 25 May 2001 1st IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun Samarkand Introduction

"Bismillahi'r-Rahmani'r-Rahim As salaamu aleiqum, dear Brothers and Sisters,

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun is a peaceful, spiritual, independent,Islamic-Universal Peace Movement aimed at enlightment of the soul and mind in the true and finest spirit of Islam, as taught and lived by example by the Prophet Muhammad, Peace be Upon Him.

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun is not a classical Sufi movement, although many spiritual,mystical experiences and outlooks could be classified as Sufi.

Neither are we a classical Sunni or Shi'i movement, nor Shafi, nor Hanafi, nor Malaki, but actually all of these together.

The locations given are spiritual, not so much geographical locations, which stretch from Al Andalus in the West to Samarkand in the East. In todays mordern terms this would mean to the far corners of this world: The Americas and Europe in the West - the Middle East - Russia - Siberia - China, Asia and the Far East

We are not a threat, but a blessing, so we would like to hope indeed, to all those who come in contact with us, whether just to inquire, to join or to critisize.

We honor all U.N. recognized governments and appreciate their recognition and cooperation with our peace work and efforts.

Human nature is full of pitfalls and shortcomings. Good intentions are not always materialized, judgement is passed quickly and often harshly. We all want to live well and share love and happiness. When this cannot be accomplished we tend to become bitter, angry and frustrated.

These are strong forces,as is love, compassion and mercy. We all, and of course we are no exception, too often subcome to these adverse conditions, whereas we should not lose sight of our actual goals.

We wish no harm, on the contrary, only blessings for all !

We are aiming our efforts of kindling our inner light, much too often hidden under many layers of prejudice, traditions, suspicions, bad habits and diverse mentatlities.

When we feel the close and intimate companionship of our beloved Prohpet Muhammad, SAWAS, behold his mild nature and smiling countenance, inspired and uplifted, committing to follow him, touched by his spirit, touched by Allah, Sabhanahou wa Ta'ala, filled with RACHMA, NOUR WA MUCHABBA - Mercy, Light and Love, we indeed can declare and confess how happy and lucky we really are, to have been enlightened and directed to the RIGHT PATH.

Nobody can force you, but your own heart when it manifests the truth unto you, for it is the heart that is touched first, then the mind and the whole being ..

The truth, this precious, priceless gift only can come from Allah, Sabhanahou wa Ta'ala.

With all our labor and determination, we are mere mortals, HE is the true converter of the human heart.


This message comes to you from the bottom of all our hearts through our Da'awa Organization, Al Zarein Al Ard - The Planters - Al Hilal Al Asfar - Al Talaiayun - The Yellow Crescent Pioneer Organization of IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun.

Wa salaamu aleiqum, wa Rachmatullah wa Barakatou ...

Khalil Abdullah, Al Rashid, Al Assad Al Musaalim Za'im Al Kharakat Al Islamiyyah Al Shamalah Al Salaam Al Alaami

Family of the Prophet - PBUH

Bismillahi'r-Rahmani'r-Rahim -In the Name of Allah,the Compassionate,the Merciful


The Family of the Prophet
Peace Be upon Him

Abd Manaf

Abd Shams
Abd Al Mutallib
Al Abbas
Abu Talib
Umayyad Caliphs
Muhammad (pbuh)
Abbasid Caliphs
Shi'i Imams

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Osuil Da'awatena

IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun

Osuil Da'awatena

M'arifatu ALLAH Sabhanahu wa Ta'ala

Salahu Al-Nafs Mahabatu Al-Khalk

Al M'arifa Takunu Be Al-Tathakur wa'l Murakaba

Salahu Al-Nafs Be Altaate wa'l Mujahada

Wa Mahabatu Al-Khalk Be Al-Tadheiate wa'l Eethar

Our Mission - Da'awa :

To increase in Faith and spreading Enlightened Islam

peacefully yet with great determination

To labor towards peacful Islamic - Universal Spiritual Transformation ....


IslamPeace-IUT Al Rashidun

The Enlightened Islamic-Universal Peace Movement
Governing Authority of the Islamic-Universal Transformation - IUT - ATA'I-ASHA'A

Al Kharakat Al Islamiyyah Al Shamalah Al Salaam Al Alaami
Al Sultah A-Tahauwol Al Islami Al Shamal Al Alaami - ATA'I-ASHA'A - Al Rashidun